
You go to throw out an old homework assignment, but it refuses to fall into the trash can. A message “You cannot throw out quest items” appears.

Leo threw his arms up in frustration. “Why won’t this thing get into the trash can?” he grumbled.
Calypso sighed. “Your nose is on fire, Leo,” she told him. “Calm down.”
“Fire?” he repeated. “That’s perfect!” Leo’s hands ignited, and as the old paper turned into ashes, he smiled triumphantly. “I got rid of it!”
he sang, rushing out of the door.
Calypso laughed. She bent down to take the burnt paper off the floor when she realized something alarming. The paper was reforming.
As Calypso watched, the paper split into pieces to form the words “You cannot dispose of quest items.”
“Leo, come here!” she cried.
Leo bolted into the cabin. “What happened?”
She looked him straight in the eyes. “I think that this paper is a lot more than some old homework.”

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